A Workshop “EEG data analysis” 20-22 September 2023

Workshop “EEG data analysis” 

20-22 September, 2023 , Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Sauletekio ave. 7 


20th September (Wednesday) Introductions 

R402 auditorium 

12.45 – 13 Registration. 

13-13.15 Opening. Ramunė Grikšienė, Vilnius University. Ieva Pranka, Executive Director Baltic-German University Liaison Office. 

13.15 – 14 Lecture. Introduction to EEG. Ramunė Grikšienė, Vilnius University 

14-15 Lecture. Periodic and aperiodic neural activity. Elena Čėsnaitė, University of Munster 

15-15.15 Coffee/ Tea 

15.15-16 Lecture.  The search for relationships between EEG parameters and female hormonal satus. Ingrida Zelionkaite, Vilnius University. 


21st September (Thursday) Methods 

R201 auditorium 

9.45 – 10 Registration.  

10-11 Lecture. Preprocessing of EEG data: how variable are preprocessing pipelines? Elena Čėsnaitė, University of Munster 

Coffee/Tea Break  

11.30 – 13.30 Practicals*:  

  • Preprocessing of resting state EEG. Elena Čėsnaitė (University of Munster), Rimantė Gaižauskaitė, Ingrida Zelionkaitė, Vilnius University 
  • Analysis of resting state EEG: periodic and aperiodic activity. Lina Gladutytė,  Vilnius University,  Elena Čėsnaitė (University of Munster) 

Lunch break 

R404 auditorium 

14.30 -16.00 Lecture and Practical. Automated preprocessing of EEG data. Valdas Noreika, Queen Mary University of London. 

Coffee/Tea Break 

16.15-18.00 Lecture and Practical. Multivariate source separation. Rasa Gulbinaitė, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam. 


22nd September (Friday) Applications  

R103 auditorium 

9.45 – 10 Registration. 

10-11 Lecture. Mothers-babies EEG hyperscanning. Valdas Noreika, Queen Mary University of London 

11 – 13 Discussion. How can we improve to get more from EEG? Ramune Griksiene, Elena Scesnaite, Rasa Gulbinaitė, Valdas Noreika. Coffee/Tea  


Participation in the Workshop is free, but the number of places is limited, and registration is required. Registration form: https://forms.gle/SVUtAqjNjQbjKs3X9 

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance (maximum 17 hours). 

* Note: if you want to follow the practical part and try the analysis steps together with us – please bring your own laptop! 


Workshop “EEG data analysis” is organized during implementation of the project “Rhythms in human body: the search for relationships between brain oscillations and fluctuations of sex hormones” This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. 






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